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Madurai Health and leprosy Relief Center located in Madurai City is a NGO rendering community based promotional and preventive services such as Health education, case detection, case holding, Treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy affected individuals from 1991. From 1991, we have organized health education and leprosy awareness classes conducted in every school with our flip chart and slide shows. We have received permission from the chief education officer, District education office. During this period, we detected new leprosy cases among the school children.
We also started leprosy rehabilitation activities for our deformity patients in 1999. So far we have supported 48 deformity patient. Every month we conduct a leprosy awareness camp at the Grace Kennet hospital since 1995, in 1996, we opened a small Dispensary (Mahelerecen clinic) with lab facility. Every month we conduct leprosy awareness camp with the help of our mobile clinic in and Madurai district and Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu. We detect new cases of leprosy by conducting camps at various schools. We identify leprosy patches among the students and they are treated with MDT treatment.