For over 5 decades we continue to provide children without parental care or at the risk of losing it, a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, to ensuring comprehensive child development. Our long-term customized care interventions such as Family Like Care, Special Needs Childcare, Foster Care, Short Stay Homes, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Emergency Childcare, Education & Youth Skilling and are aimed at transforming lives and making children into self-reliant and contributing members of society. We empower vulnerable families in communities to become financially independent, thereby enabling them to create safe and nurturing spaces for children under their care. We have reached out to over 25,000 children through our 32 SOS Children’s Villages and 32 community projects in India. SOS Children’s Villages of India was established in 1964 at Faridabad near Delhi. We are the largest operation within the SOS International Federation of 134 countries.